The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, announces Logica 2025, the 37th in the series of annual international symposia devoted to logic, to be held in Hejnice (in northern Bohemia, about 2.5 hours from Prague) from 12 to 16 May 2025.
The first session will start on the morning of Tuesday 13 May. The symposium will close at noon on Friday 16 May.
Important Dates
- Short abstract deadline (plain text): 31 January 2025
- Extended abstract deadline (PDF file): 31 January 2025 5 February 2025
- Notification of acceptance: by 12 March 2025
- Conference: from 12 to 16 May 2025
Invited Speakers
- Nina Gierasimczuk
Danish Technical University
- Hans Rott
University of Regensburg
- Rineke Verbrugge
University of Groningen
- Albert Visser
Utrecht University
Organizing Committee
Chairs of the organising committee: Vít Punčochář, Igor Sedlár
Program Committee
Francesco Berto, Libor Běhounek, Katalin Bimbó, Ivano Ciardelli, Thomas Ferguson, Zoé Christoff, Rosalie Iemhoff, Gary Kemp, Ansten Klev, Roman Kuznets, Ondrej Majer, Carles Noguera, Hitoshi Omori, Jaroslav Peregrin, Adam Přenosil, Vít Punčochář (co-chair), Hans Rott, Igor Sedlár (co-chair), Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson, Nick Smith, Vladimír Svoboda, Vítězslav Švejdar, Andrew Tedder, Sara Uckelman, Fernando Velazquez Quesada, Heinrich Wansing.

Submission guidelines
Submissions addressing any of the wide range of logical problems are welcome, with the exception of those focusing on specific technical applications. Contributions that cover topics of interest to both 'philosophically' and 'mathematically' oriented logicians are especially welcome.
The review process will be double blind. If you are interested in presenting a paper at the symposium, please submit a three-page blinded abstract using this template via the Microsoft CMT service. Authors of submissions are required to create a Microsoft CMT account. In order to make the submission, log in to your CMT account, navigate to “all conferences” and find Logica 2025 where you can upload the pdf file with your extended abstract. You can also use this link.
The submission deadline is 31 January 2025 for short plain-text abstracts and 5 February for extended abstracts in PDF form. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 12 March.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences or journals is allowed, and we will also consider submissions based on recently published papers. However, such submissions will not be considered for the post-proceedings volume.
Conference fee
The conference fee is 650 EUR for participants and 400 EUR for students and accompanying persons. The fee includes full board and lodging at the Hejnice Monastery for the duration of the conference, coffee breaks and the banquet, the conference bus from Prague to Hejnice and back, and (for participants) a copy of the post-proceedings volume containing the papers presented at the symposium.

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