Tuesday 28 September 08:30 09:15 registration 12:00 14:00 lunch 14:00 15:00 Shahid Rahman Beyond Metalogic? Metalogic for the Working Dialogician 15:40 16:10 coffee break 16:10 17:30 Gabriel Sandu Truth and GTS
09:30 10:10 Merlijn Sevenster Renaissance in IF Logic 10:50 11:20 coffee break 11:20 11:40 Robin Clark Discourse Strategies and Generalized Quantifiers: A Game-Theoretic Approach to Centering 14:00 14:40 Christian Fermüller Revisiting Giles: Connecting Bets, Dialogue Games, and Fuzzy Logics 15:20 15:50 coffee break 15:50 16:30 Mikael Cozic Remarks on the Relevance of Computability and Complexity for the Foundations of Bounded Rationality 09:30 10:10 Iann Ross Situations and Solution Concepts in Game-Theoretic Approaches to Pragmatics 10:50 11:10 coffee break 11:10 11:50 Duncan Richter What Use Are Wittgenstein's Language Games? 12:30 14:00 lunch 14:00 15:00 Mathieu Marion Anti-Realism, Reasons and Game 19:00 party
09:30 10:30 Wim Veldman The Problem of the Determinacy of Infinite Games from an Intuitionistic Point of View 10:30 11:00 coffee break 11:00 11:40 Jakub Szymanik & Marcin Mostowski Defining the Meaning of Quantifiers Models of Tolerance 12:20 12:50 coffee break 12:50 13:30 Denis Bonnay Proofs and Semantic Games 13:30 end of the symposium |