Relevant propositional dynamic logic

Tedder, A. & Bílková, M.
Synthese 200, 235 (2022).

Logica Dominans vs. Logica Serviens

Peregrin, J. & Svoboda, V.
Logic and Logical Philosophy 31, 2022, 183-207

There Have to Be Crooks in This World Too

Kolman, V.
W. Gobsch & J. Held (eds.): Orientierung durch Kritik, Meiner, 2021, pp. 41-58.

Consistency and Decidability in Some Paraconsistent Arithmetics

Tedder, A.
The Australasian Journal of Logic, 18(5), 2021, 473-502

Moderate anti-exceptionalism and earthborn logic

Peregrin, J. & Svoboda, V.
Synthese, 199, pages 8781–8806, 2021

Inquisitive Heyting Algebras

Punčochář, V.
Studia Logica 109, 2021, 995-1017

The Complexities of Syntax

Peregrin, J.
R. Nefdt, C. Klippi and B. Karstens (eds.): Philosophy and Science of Language, Palgrave, 2020

Indicative conditionals in objective contexts.

Punčochář, V., Gauker, C.
Theoria, 86, 2020, 651-68

Workshop on information-based semantics and related frameworks


June 6

meeting room at the Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1

13:30-14:20 Vít Punčochář: Information-based semantics and related frameworks

coffee break

14:30-15:20 Colin Zwanziger: Inquisitive logic from the perspective of category theory


June 7

Academic Conference Centre, Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1

10:00-10:50 Fan Yang: Non-downward closed team-based propositional logics

coffee break

11:10-12:00 Davide Quadrellaro: On the model theory of team semantics


14:00-14:50 Johannes Korbmacher: The granularity of inquisitive and truthmaker content

coffee break

15:10-16:00 Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona: Some results in non-monotonic proof-theoretic semantics

coffee break

16:20-17:10 Ivo Pezlar: An implication elimination-like variant of the generalized Kreisel-Putnam rule and its computational content


Rudolf Carnap's Inferentialism

Peregrin, J.
R. Schuster (ed.): The Vienna Circle in Czechoslovakia, Springer, Cham, 2020, 97-109